Colleges and universities have a great potential to be drivers of change worldwide.
As cultural and intellectual hubs across the globe, colleges and universities are in a vital position to lead by example, by making influential and impactful change.
In order to responsibly and justly address the global climate crisis and minimize the impacts of unsustainable habits worldwide, waste systems must evolve dramatically - and it can start at colleges and universities.
Become a Member of Return Recycling
Return Recycling is committed to providing schools with customized pathways towards zero waste - whether it be infrastructure, data analytics, engagement strategies, or any combination of the three. Partnering up with Return Recycling means that your school will have the time, resources, and expertise necessary to make your campus a leader in sustainable waste systems.
To learn more about what it takes to become an RR Member, please email
Other Ways to Make Change
- Form a task force!
Organizing an official body on campus to deal specifically with waste may not have to happen under the direction and administration of an office. Instead, consider bringing together a group of staff, faculty, administrators, and students to build official recommendations for your school. They will have the time and energy necessary to do the background research, prioritizing, and presentations that one or two employees might not have on their own.
- Buy responsibly!
Take a bit of time to develop an ethical and environmental purchasing guide for your college or university's offices and departments to follow. Responsible waste systems must address pre-consumption waste in addition to dealing with post-consumption. Think about what sorts of materials and goods are commonly purchased, and how they could be swapped out. Also consider the possible methods of distributing and enforcement that may or may not be at your disposal.