A New Discovery: W3ll People - makeup brand

By Moonrose Cheng




W3ll people is a newly discovered makeup brand I found while shopping in West Village. It’s all natural and mostly organic, and the founders stress on sustainability and eco-friendliness.



Although I couldn’t find much about the specific sustainability practices, using natural ingredients in products is highly important. If you think about it, producing harmful and unnatural chemicals hurts the environment in general. Since you wash makeup in the sink or throw away particles of makeup on wipes, the chemicals still land up in the landfill or water systems. Because of this, the chemicals can leak into many ecosystems and mess up the balance.

The fact that they also use mostly organic ingredients means that they support people who don’t use pesticides and fertilizers, which can negatively affect the environment.

Personally, I like using natural products because its feels healthier and cleaner.

Bonus, they don’t test on animals!

Check out their website: w3llpeople.com