NYU President's Service Award

Photo by Moonrose Cheng

Photo by Moonrose Cheng

Earlier this month Return Recycling was honored to receive an NYU President's Service Award. These awards go to individuals and organizations who have shown a commitment to community service and civic engagement on campus and in local communities. As a small group of students working to dig through trash once a week, sometimes it can be hard to see the bigger picture or that what we are doing matters. However, every day we get more data, it becomes more organized and our outreach grows in NYU community. It means so much that our university acknowledged our work and understands its value to our community. Trash matters! We're working to build a better system for universities everywhere, but that would mean nothing without your support. Thank you so much for being a part of Return Recycling in anyway, whether it be participating in a sorting "party", asking us questions about recycling, talking to us at the Earth Day street fair, or even liking a post. Organizations need people. Thank you for being our people. We're looking forward to big things this summer and we hope you will continue to follow us on our adventures in waste characterization.